Rank Name Religious Affiliation Influence; 1: Muhammad: Islam: Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia; Hart recognized that ranking Muhammad first might be controversial, but felt that, from a secular historian’s perspective, this was the correct choice because Muhammad is the only man to have been both a founder of a major world religion and …
Description: The Russian Review is a multi-disciplinary academic journal devoted to the history, literature, culture, fine arts, cinema, society, and politics of the peoples of the former Russian Empire and former Soviet Union.
The Roman Empire emerged from the Roman Republic when Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar transformed it from a republic into a monarchy. Rome reached its zenith in the 2nd century, then fortunes slowly declined with …
The Mongols Page Two. Founding of the Mongol Empire by: Henry Howorth. Genghis Khan. The Yuan. Akbar and India. Mongols in China (Marco Polo) The Mongols
The Byzantine Empire. The Roman-Byzantine Period. The Byzantine Empire was the predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Byzantine Empire: History and geography of the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire.
The Russian Empire (Russian: Российская Империя) or Russia was an empire that existed across Eurasia and North America from 1721, following the end of the Great Northern War, until the Republic was proclaimed by the Provisional Government that took power after the February Revolution of 1917.
The Rule of Russian Empire in Lithuania (1795-1918) What initially started as a mere change of the ruler from a Polish-Lithuanian king to a Russian czar eventually led to a major russification drive.
1900 Commerce Tacoma, Washington 98402-3100 (253) 692-4000 or toll-free 1-800-736-7750 uwtinfo@u.washington.edu Modified: May 22, 2018
More active discriminatory policies began when the partition of Poland in the 18th century which resulted, for the first time in Russian history, in the possession of land with a large population of Jews.